Picture taken from here
As the owner of this comfy house, I would like to make a lot of apologizes to you as my neighbors here. Sometimes I made mistakes. Or maybe sometimes I said a lot of things that might hurt your feeling. Or the most simple mistake I usually do is rarely visiting your home. But as tomorrow is Ramadhan, I hope you can forgive me for every false step, mistake words, or even any suspicion.
Happy Ramadhan 1430 H
Hope you all have a blessing Ramadhan! Happy fasting, Guys..
Well, these two movies are my late-seen-movies. I watch them not on their first day show. I watched "Up" on August 4, 2009, while "GI Joe" on August 19, 2009. These two movies are my long-waited-must-seen movies.
"Up" became my second movies in 3D. And like mostly cartoons or animated movies, "Up" had a lot of moral stories. Even some part of the movies were made me (and my buddies) cry..

I laughed a lot along this movie. And I love when Russel repeated his words, "Good afternoon. My name is Russel. Do you need any assistance today, Sir? I could help you cross the street. I could help you cross your yard. I could help you cross your porch."
Not to forget when he showed his GPS to Carl. Russel said that they'll never be lost if they're using the GPS, but suddenly Russel throw it away outside the window while the house are floating in the sky..
I gave "Up" 4.5 stars out of 5 ;)
Not much words to be said about the movie, "GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra". Love it so much!
Channing Tatum looks so different in this movie. But still Sienna Miller looks so hot as antagonist!!
I gave 4 stars out of 5 for "GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra".
If you missed these movies, you better catch the DVDs and watch them! Totally awesome..
After a couple of months leaving this comfy home, I guess I'm coming back here! Yippeeeeeeee..
And I hope this coming issue is for good..
Miss you all here, Guys! Miss to visit your home in a very soon..