Running late, in my hit at my coffee table..
Then I run out of gas..
I heard the count, but ended up in the middle of nowhere..
And someone stole all my cash..
Guess..! Guess..!
Oh, what entangled web I weave..
I've got no tricks left up my sleeves..
I've tossed my head into the rain..
I've got it bad, you've got it even worse now..
Let's put our heads together, and reverse the curse..
I've dressed up but slip into some muddy waters..
The stage just ain't going right..
Bottom vices always need be strict to crisis..
That's my so called life.. Life.. Life..
Oh, what entangled web I weave..
I've got no tricks left up my sleeves..
I've tossed my head into the rain..
I've got it bad, you've got it even worse now..
Let's put our heads together, and reverse the curse..
I'm all out of luck or is it running out of me..
I'm all all screwed up, but there's no place I'd rather be..
Oh, I've got it bad, you've got it even worse now..
Let's put our heads together, and reverse the curse..
Oh, I've got it good (I've got it good now),you've even got it better now..
Baby we put our heads together, and reverse the curse..
Yes, we reverse the curse..
So my so called life..
A very very nice latest song from my favorite singer, Daniel Powter. Taken from his new album, Under the Radar.
Yuk aaaaaaaaaaaaah.. Hafalkan! Biar bisa langsung dinyanyikan luar kepala :P hehehehe..
Wah jadi yang pertamax....nih gw....he..he...
ikutan nyanyi ah...Running late, in my hit at my coffee table..
Then I run out of gas..
I heard the count, but ended up in the middle of nowhere..
And someone stole all my cash..
Guess..! Guess..!
""aduh...suara gw serak jadi ga bisa ngelanjutin kabur...ah....
ni lagu ya..??
gue ngga ikutan nyanyi deh...
nabuhin gendang aja..
tung..tung.. plak...plak...
tung..tung.. plak...plak...
kok jadi kayak topeng monyet..
xixixixixixixi... lariiiiiiiiiii..
ketigax hehe
keren nih lagu, minta link ny donk mbak
saya mau download nih
lg ngunduh file torrent-nya niy.. 1 album! :p hihihihihihi..
mudah2an berhasil
siap-siap bergaya ala Dora The Explorer
wow lagu syairnya keren kalu ini, biarpun aku ga bisa nyanyi tapi ikutan aja deh.........juga nice your blog!!!!
ikutan nyanyi ah ...
salamkenal btw
MP3nya bisa diambil di http://deliashuningtyas.multiply.com/music/item/82
sok lah dihafalkan ;) makasih udh main d sini..
silahkan! salam kenal jg..
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