Sebenernya siy ada film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" yang belum gw posting. Tapi berhubung udah lewat 11 hari dari gw nonton itu film (gw bela-belain nonton hari pertama tuh.. hihihihi..), gw posting belakangan aja deh sekalian hehehehe..
Sekarang gw mo posting tentang film yang baru gw tonton semalem, "Public Enemies"
The reason I wanted to watch this movie is just because of Johnny Depp.
Harusnya gw nonton "Public Enemies" tanggal 22 Juli kemarin pas tayang pertama kali di bioskop. Tapi berhubung alasan ini itu, mundur terus. Sampai akhirnya ada ajakan dari one of my elementary school buddy buat nonton film ini bareng kawan-kawan SD gw lainnya. Ya sekalian reuni kecil-kecilan ketemu kawan-kawan masa kecil, makanya gw setuju buat nonton di Minggu malam.
I rated this movie 3 out 5 stars! And I really hate Christian Bale in this movie. It's all because he killed my Johnny Depp in the end of the movie!
But telling you the truth, I really don't fit to this kind of movie. If it's not because of Johnny Depp, I will never watch this kind of movie.
Gosh.. This movie made me realize how long I admire him. Since "21 Jump Street" when I was only 7.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kami Tidak Takut! - We're Not Afraid
sung by Pandji Pragiwaksono
Terlalu lama gua berdiam
Melihat, membaca, menonton membuat gua geram
Jangan pernah kita anggap mereka pahlawan, atau diliput bagaikan pemenang
Giliran yang pemenang media gak datang
Teroris menjual berita baik basi, teroris gak penting jadi jangan berisik!
Biarin mereka tertangkap dan tertembak mati (Hey!)
Kepada kalian yang berkeliaran, Detasemen 88 kan datang
Teman-temanmu sudah kami makamkan
Jadi sekarang giliran kamu yang gentar
Kerjaanmu memang hanya intimidasi
Sekarang akhirnya senjatamu aku curi
Coba ngaca lihat wajahmu pucat pasi
Dua ratus juta rakyat kami bersaksi
Bangsa Indonesia! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Gue ga bego, gue tau loe gak takut (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Cuman mungkin loe ga terbiasa untuk jujur tentang ini sama diri loe sendiri (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Apalagi di depan orang lain (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Yang harus loe lakukan hanya mengulang satu buah kalimat (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Masa kita ga mau bersatu
Jelas-jelas ada usaha untuk kita hancur
Bom Bali satu dua, Kedubes Australia
Elo pikir itu apa?
Akuilah bahwa mereka mencoreng negara
Masa Kanye West aja ngelompatin kita
Singapur ke Australia
Padahal dia ngefans sama gue (hehehehe..)
Teroris yang berbahagia, puas-puaskanlah kau tertawa
Atau bahkan kau simpan semua kenang-kenanganmu hidup di dunia
Karena kami, Bangsa Indonesia, sudah muak dan KAMI TAK TAKUT!
Kami maju dan kamu tersudut, di neraka kavling-mu menunggu (Hoo!)
Ayo, Bangsa Indonesia! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Yang perlu elu lakukan adalah mengulangi kalimat ini dan ini sangat gampang (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Ayo, kalo perlu berdiri dari tempat loe duduk (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Kalo perlu angkat tangan jari tengah loe ke udara (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Benarkah langkahku, benarkah perwujudan kata-kataku?
Apakah Tuhan, Engkau merestuiku?
Melawan musuhku yang juga hamba-Mu
Hamba bukanlah umat terbaik-Mu, tapi keimanan hamba tak sampai membunuh
Hamba hanya ingin rakyat tuk bersatu, berdiri, bersama melawan pembunuh
Bangsa Indonesia! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Terlepas dari apakah yang melakukan kegiatan terorisme itu betul-betul teroris (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Atau bahkan orang Indonesia sendiri yang berusaha untuk menakuti kita (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Kita harus buktikan bahwa KITA TIDAK TAKUT! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Kita tidak bisa diintimidasi! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
This is a nice song from Pandji Pragiwaksono. He's not really a new comer. He already has 2 (two) albums and the latest album was launched on July 4, 2009.
This song itself is on his second album. Actually he wrote this song on November 2008. And since Jakarta Bombing last Friday, this song became (like) the theme song of a movement called #indonesiaunite. Pandji himself became one of the spoke-person for that movement.
This song is clarify that we, Indonesian, are not afraid about those terrorism things and we will unite together to fight against the terrorism!
Hear Pandji every Monday-Friday, 6-10 A.M on Good Morning Hard Rocker Show (Jakarta) and every Thursday, 8-9 P.M on Provocative Proactive (Jakarta)
Terlalu lama gua berdiam
Melihat, membaca, menonton membuat gua geram
Jangan pernah kita anggap mereka pahlawan, atau diliput bagaikan pemenang
Giliran yang pemenang media gak datang
Teroris menjual berita baik basi, teroris gak penting jadi jangan berisik!
Biarin mereka tertangkap dan tertembak mati (Hey!)
Kepada kalian yang berkeliaran, Detasemen 88 kan datang
Teman-temanmu sudah kami makamkan
Jadi sekarang giliran kamu yang gentar
Kerjaanmu memang hanya intimidasi
Sekarang akhirnya senjatamu aku curi
Coba ngaca lihat wajahmu pucat pasi
Dua ratus juta rakyat kami bersaksi
Bangsa Indonesia! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Gue ga bego, gue tau loe gak takut (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Cuman mungkin loe ga terbiasa untuk jujur tentang ini sama diri loe sendiri (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Apalagi di depan orang lain (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Yang harus loe lakukan hanya mengulang satu buah kalimat (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Masa kita ga mau bersatu
Jelas-jelas ada usaha untuk kita hancur
Bom Bali satu dua, Kedubes Australia
Elo pikir itu apa?
Akuilah bahwa mereka mencoreng negara
Masa Kanye West aja ngelompatin kita
Singapur ke Australia
Padahal dia ngefans sama gue (hehehehe..)
Teroris yang berbahagia, puas-puaskanlah kau tertawa
Atau bahkan kau simpan semua kenang-kenanganmu hidup di dunia
Karena kami, Bangsa Indonesia, sudah muak dan KAMI TAK TAKUT!
Kami maju dan kamu tersudut, di neraka kavling-mu menunggu (Hoo!)
Ayo, Bangsa Indonesia! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Yang perlu elu lakukan adalah mengulangi kalimat ini dan ini sangat gampang (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Ayo, kalo perlu berdiri dari tempat loe duduk (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Kalo perlu angkat tangan jari tengah loe ke udara (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Benarkah langkahku, benarkah perwujudan kata-kataku?
Apakah Tuhan, Engkau merestuiku?
Melawan musuhku yang juga hamba-Mu
Hamba bukanlah umat terbaik-Mu, tapi keimanan hamba tak sampai membunuh
Hamba hanya ingin rakyat tuk bersatu, berdiri, bersama melawan pembunuh
Bangsa Indonesia! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Terlepas dari apakah yang melakukan kegiatan terorisme itu betul-betul teroris (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Atau bahkan orang Indonesia sendiri yang berusaha untuk menakuti kita (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Kita harus buktikan bahwa KITA TIDAK TAKUT! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
Kita tidak bisa diintimidasi! (KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!)
This is a nice song from Pandji Pragiwaksono. He's not really a new comer. He already has 2 (two) albums and the latest album was launched on July 4, 2009.
This song itself is on his second album. Actually he wrote this song on November 2008. And since Jakarta Bombing last Friday, this song became (like) the theme song of a movement called #indonesiaunite. Pandji himself became one of the spoke-person for that movement.
This song is clarify that we, Indonesian, are not afraid about those terrorism things and we will unite together to fight against the terrorism!
Hear Pandji every Monday-Friday, 6-10 A.M on Good Morning Hard Rocker Show (Jakarta) and every Thursday, 8-9 P.M on Provocative Proactive (Jakarta)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My First Exclusive Concert
This is what I want to tell you a few weeks ago. About my first experience attending an exclusive concert on July 11, 2009. Why it was exclusive? Because it was held by invitation only. And I got the invitation from a radio quiz. I got 3 (three) free invitations, so I asked my lil sister and my cousin to came with me.
The concert was sponsored by one of famous cigarette in Indonesia. That's why the concert called by the name of the cigarette. And the concert itself was held in Golden Ballroom of Hotel Sultan, Jakarta. The star performer of the concert was Alexa and RAN - two of famous nowadays band in Indonesia. Well, actually I was not the biggest fans of them, but I knew some of their songs and sometimes I was humming their songs.
Please enjoy the pictures from the concert. I believe that pictures can tell you a lot of fun than thousand of words.
My cousin and Asta - the guitarist of RAN
(Awalnya malu-malu.. Tapi belakangan jadi suka deh.. hehehe..)
We pick the red sofa as our first seat
But we like the bean bag seat in front of the sofa much so we move :P
Aqi - the vocalist - and Satrio - the guitarist of Alexa
(Gw jepret foto ini persis di depannya Aqi dan Satrio sambil senyum-senyum centil.. hehehehe..)
And after the concert, I became Alexis (fans of Alexa) and my lil sis and my cousin became Ranners (fans of RAN).
The concert was sponsored by one of famous cigarette in Indonesia. That's why the concert called by the name of the cigarette. And the concert itself was held in Golden Ballroom of Hotel Sultan, Jakarta. The star performer of the concert was Alexa and RAN - two of famous nowadays band in Indonesia. Well, actually I was not the biggest fans of them, but I knew some of their songs and sometimes I was humming their songs.
Please enjoy the pictures from the concert. I believe that pictures can tell you a lot of fun than thousand of words.
(Awalnya malu-malu.. Tapi belakangan jadi suka deh.. hehehe..)
But we like the bean bag seat in front of the sofa much so we move :P
(Gw jepret foto ini persis di depannya Aqi dan Satrio sambil senyum-senyum centil.. hehehehe..)
And after the concert, I became Alexis (fans of Alexa) and my lil sis and my cousin became Ranners (fans of RAN).
Monday, July 20, 2009
I'm Not Afraid to Have the New Hair Cut!
Oh yes! Finally I had my hair cut today after along this month I want to make it short. Since Jakarta is getting hotter and I do have plenty of wedding party to attend, so today I made the new appearance.
Oh ya.. Btw, even last Friday was the darkest day in Jakarta history along this year, I am NOT AFRAID!! I still went to public places on Saturday and Sunday. Not alone, but with MoMMy, Adek, my aunties, and my cousins. We're all NOT AFRAID about the terrorist thing.. KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!!
I do still believe that Indonesia is a strong nation no matter what the terrorists do in Indonesia. So I against any terrorism action in Indonesia by supporting the #indonesiaunite! If you're not afraid too and against the terrorism, please support the movement: #indonesiaunite
Oh ya.. Btw, even last Friday was the darkest day in Jakarta history along this year, I am NOT AFRAID!! I still went to public places on Saturday and Sunday. Not alone, but with MoMMy, Adek, my aunties, and my cousins. We're all NOT AFRAID about the terrorist thing.. KAMI TIDAK TAKUT!!
I do still believe that Indonesia is a strong nation no matter what the terrorists do in Indonesia. So I against any terrorism action in Indonesia by supporting the #indonesiaunite! If you're not afraid too and against the terrorism, please support the movement: #indonesiaunite
Thursday, July 16, 2009
When Reality Bites
I want to apologize to all of my neighbors here. I'm sorry if I don't do the blogwalking as I used to and maybe it took so long for me to come to your house.
Telling you the truth, I do have some problems here in my real life. But so sorry if I cannot talk about my problems here. Those problems are making my brain running so fast so I could not think about my comfy home here..
I do miss you all a lot. And I do have a lot of stories to tell here. I have my first exclusive concert to tell. I have my nephew and niece's birthday to tell. But I guess those stories are have to wait to be published.
I hope you can understand my condition. All I need now is your understanding, your love, and your support. I don't need any compassion. I just need you to be here as always for me..
Thank you for your understanding. I love you all, Neighbors!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Presidential Election Day
This day, we - Indonesian, are having presidential election for the second time. We have to choose our future leader among 3 candidates. But so sorry, I won't tell the story about the process of the election, or about the candidates, or even about any political story.
This is how I spend the day on presidential election day:
1. Having one FREE cup of coffee at "Starbucks" Cilandak Town Square
2. Having a glamorous and fancy lunch at "My Pancake" Cilandak Town Square
3. Having a 50% discount evening meal at Pizza Marzano Kemang
Masih sempat berpose di antara "kerusakan" di tengah meja
Ibu-Ibu Rumpi :P
Okay, we're full now.. Let's take the last picture of this day..
It's a WRAP!!
What a perfect combination between best buddies, great foods, crazy discounts and free flow of drink, and also nice places.. Thank you for the day!
This is how I spend the day on presidential election day:
1. Having one FREE cup of coffee at "Starbucks" Cilandak Town Square
2. Having a glamorous and fancy lunch at "My Pancake" Cilandak Town Square
3. Having a 50% discount evening meal at Pizza Marzano Kemang
It's a WRAP!!
What a perfect combination between best buddies, great foods, crazy discounts and free flow of drink, and also nice places.. Thank you for the day!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
My 4th of July Celebration
Even though I'm a truly Indonesian, but yesterday I was celebrated the 4th of July. But this is how I was celebrated the 4th of July.. In my style, anyway ;)
One of my best buddies in Geng Hore was having his wedding party on 4th of July. Let's say that this is the first wedding among the main member.
Selesai dari nikahan Mas B, bukan Geng Hore namanya kalau ga cari tempat lain untuk kongkow-kongkow. Pintong-lah kita ke salah satu mall yang jadi tetangganya Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia di kawasan SCBD, Sudirman.
Tadinya siy kita cuma mau sebentar aja di mall itu karena sudah ada jadwal untuk pindah ke mall di Pintu Satu Senayan. Tapi karena kebetulan ada kampanye putaran terakhir untuk pasangan capres-cawapres yang mau melanjutkan visi dan misi mereka 5 tahun ke depan, jadinya kita malas untuk mendekati daerah Senayan. Macet gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Lha wong untuk ke SCBD aja harus menempuh perjuangan berat di seputaran Jalan Gatot Subroto :(
Tujuan awal di Pacific Place Mall adalah nyobain restoran baru yang ada di lobby utama mall (bener-bener ga bisa diakses dari dalam mall tu resto.. harus keluar dulu dari mall lewat lobby utama, baru bisa ke resto itu) Yang tadinya niat untuk ngemil di resto bernama Potato Head, eh qo ndilalah malah makan besar (dengan harga besar pula..)
Kenyang bego di Potato Head, eh masih lanjut untuk cari diskonan 60% di Secret Recipe. Tapi dalam perjalanan ke Secret Recipe di lantai atas, nyangkut dulu ke stand permen Yupi. Secara dari tadi keliling Pacific Place nemuin wahana Yupi Land terus.. Itu tu patung-patung binatang yang dibuat dari aneka permen Yupi.. Berhasil membeli permen seharga hampir Rp 50.000,00 :P Untung gigi kita kuat-kuat.. Kalau enggak, bisa-bisa dilarang makan permen karena takut gigi pada bolong :D hehehehehe..
Ngemil permen kenyal sambil lirik-lirik diskon sana-sini, nyampai juga di Secret Recipe. Sayang saat sampai di situ, semua cake sudah ludes des des des.. Tak bersisa! Bener-bener semua orang memanfaatkan diskon yang cuma berlaku 2 hari itu saja (Sabtu untuk all item - food, beverages, and cake; Minggu untuk cake and pastries) Jadinya gw kembung aja di Secret Recipe.. Karena pesan begitu banyak ragam minuman tanpa ditemani cake :(
Total lebih dari 12 jam gw habiskan bersama Geng Hore. Bahkan melewati waktu Dhuhur, Ashar, dan Maghrib bersama di mushola Pacific Place :P
Great day.. Great food.. And great buddies..
One of my best buddies in Geng Hore was having his wedding party on 4th of July. Let's say that this is the first wedding among the main member.
Selesai dari nikahan Mas B, bukan Geng Hore namanya kalau ga cari tempat lain untuk kongkow-kongkow. Pintong-lah kita ke salah satu mall yang jadi tetangganya Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia di kawasan SCBD, Sudirman.
Tadinya siy kita cuma mau sebentar aja di mall itu karena sudah ada jadwal untuk pindah ke mall di Pintu Satu Senayan. Tapi karena kebetulan ada kampanye putaran terakhir untuk pasangan capres-cawapres yang mau melanjutkan visi dan misi mereka 5 tahun ke depan, jadinya kita malas untuk mendekati daerah Senayan. Macet gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Lha wong untuk ke SCBD aja harus menempuh perjuangan berat di seputaran Jalan Gatot Subroto :(
Tujuan awal di Pacific Place Mall adalah nyobain restoran baru yang ada di lobby utama mall (bener-bener ga bisa diakses dari dalam mall tu resto.. harus keluar dulu dari mall lewat lobby utama, baru bisa ke resto itu) Yang tadinya niat untuk ngemil di resto bernama Potato Head, eh qo ndilalah malah makan besar (dengan harga besar pula..)
Kenyang bego di Potato Head, eh masih lanjut untuk cari diskonan 60% di Secret Recipe. Tapi dalam perjalanan ke Secret Recipe di lantai atas, nyangkut dulu ke stand permen Yupi. Secara dari tadi keliling Pacific Place nemuin wahana Yupi Land terus.. Itu tu patung-patung binatang yang dibuat dari aneka permen Yupi.. Berhasil membeli permen seharga hampir Rp 50.000,00 :P Untung gigi kita kuat-kuat.. Kalau enggak, bisa-bisa dilarang makan permen karena takut gigi pada bolong :D hehehehehe..
Ngemil permen kenyal sambil lirik-lirik diskon sana-sini, nyampai juga di Secret Recipe. Sayang saat sampai di situ, semua cake sudah ludes des des des.. Tak bersisa! Bener-bener semua orang memanfaatkan diskon yang cuma berlaku 2 hari itu saja (Sabtu untuk all item - food, beverages, and cake; Minggu untuk cake and pastries) Jadinya gw kembung aja di Secret Recipe.. Karena pesan begitu banyak ragam minuman tanpa ditemani cake :(
Total lebih dari 12 jam gw habiskan bersama Geng Hore. Bahkan melewati waktu Dhuhur, Ashar, dan Maghrib bersama di mushola Pacific Place :P
Great day.. Great food.. And great buddies..
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