This is my first 3D movie in theater.
I'm gonna say that this movie is the best Ice Age movie ever! You're gonna laugh from the beginning until the end of the movie.
I'm giving this movie 4 stars out of 5!
Like usually, Scrat is begin the movie. And he will end the movie too. But in this movie, Scrat is having a new love experience besides his acorn. It's very funny how Scrat and Scratte are begin to fall in love.
But from all of the scenes, I laugh the most when Manny, Diego, and the twins, Crash and Eddie, got stuck in a cave full of laugh-poison gas. Their voice turn into chipmunks voice. Both Crash and Eddie are starting to sing the Chipmunks' song.
It's is a worth it movie if you see in 3D. And if you already see it once, you're gonna love it!
Oia.. I guess there will be more 3D movies soon in theaters, such as Up and Battle for Terra. Can't wait to see those other 3D movies!
harus segera meluangkan waktu untuk nonton nech....
wahh kekynya seru yah del... hohoho
i haven't seen the movie yet. will watch it with my kid.
can't wait!!!
whuaaaa mupeng nih Nonton Ice Age 3D. aku udah nonton Ice Age nya tapi bukan 3D:)
Keknya harus nonton nich film dech :D
hmm., coba nonton ah. moga moga nggak kalah lucu dari Madagascar 2
hmmmnnn film nya seru kayaknya
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