The Red among The Yellowish Green
This rice field is right next to our family's house at Sleman
Kopi joss means a coffee with a charcoal. The charcoal is inside the coffee and it is used to precipate the coffee waste
The famous place where you can find the most delicious Bakmi Jawa (Javanese noodle)
What a pleasant trip, Cousins! See you all at next trip..
Next destination: Ciater Hope the other cousins will join..!
ah...jadi pengen ke jokja lagi nih mbak...
yaaaa knp gak kopdar nehhhhh
wow kayaknya seru kaliieee del ^^
ibu ibu PKK dari mana ya?
yg baju merah pasti ketua nya..wakakakkk
Akhirnya ada fotonya hehe....
be carefully to step along stone dikes in the fields of padys. i like the green banana leaf.
hi, nice pics...
seem you really enjoy the place..
indonesia is a nice place
have a great day
@bagus pras..
pergilah.. masih bagus qo Jogja itu :P
aaaaaaah.. aq ga tau.. next time lah dikabarin klo k Jogja lg :D
seru banget!
@Abiagi Smith..
Ibu-Ibu PKK dr Keluarga Soejoedi :P sebelah yg baju merah itu ketua kelompokny :D
iyah.. baru sempet upload soalnya :D he he he
@sehat dengan reiki..
selama ga hujan, berjalan di pematang sawah cukup menyenangkan qoooo..
I love Jogja much! it's the city of my origin.. hope you'll visit Indonesia soon ;)
halah halah halah itu rombongan ehem-ehem yap mbak del hehehe
ooo..jogja , pengen banget ksono lagih...
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