My Story at Cirebon
I was on duty at Cirebon for 4 days on last Monday. It was my second visit here. Second visit, and still didn't get Nasi Lengko, Empal Gentong, and Gado-Gado Prujakan! Huh...!
4 days at Cirebon and I got dehidration because of the temperature! Can't bear with the sunny sun there. That's why I just stay in the training room until dusk and didn't go anywhere. But still some pictures was taken ;)
Two little pinky pigs for my cousin. But I guess I want to keep them for myself.. hehehehe.. I found them when I was doing my night strolling at Grage Mall of Cirebon with my friends on second night. And at the same night, I got my first glass of Iced Cappucino at Cirebon made by Dunkin Donuts! huhuhuhuhuhu..
I met Febriyan Lukito a.k.a Ryan! Since he moved to Cirebon 3 months ago, this was the first time I met him again. He spent less than an hour with me and my friends on my third night at Cirebon. Maybe I will spend more times with him when he is at Jakarta ;) Our favorite coffee shop is waiting for us to come there, Yan :P
This picture was taken on my last day at Cirebon. I saw this billboard on the second night when we were there. This billboard was placed near the bus station of Cirebon and in front of a hotel (see that yellow board on the right..? that's the hotel's board..) :D No more to say about this "Free Sex" advertisement! hahahahahaha..
Oleh-oleh berupa barang dapat diambil sendiri ke gw buat yang mau :D hehehehehe..
Makasih buat Bunda Ririe, Tukang Ronda, Kang Ridwan, Kang Dhie, Mbak Ulie, Mas Muhdi, A' Ucan, Mbak Merry, Rip666, Rogan, Bang Kopi, Mas Indo-Trans, Om M2M, Mas Setiaji, Indungg, Paank Fachrezi, Bagus Al Haqq, Rantaro, Kangmas Mybiz, dan semua tetangga yang sudah dengan baik hati mau menjaga dan menengok rumah Delia selama Delia pergi..
Terima kasih!
Pesen 1 Del oleh2nya.. hii..hi..
btw gawe dmna Del?
oleh-olehnya bisa diambil, Mas, di kantorku :P
di sekitaran Pakubuwono - Senayan situ qo.. deket kan ma Mampang..? ;)
wah....kapan tuh ke cirebon nya?, padahal deket loh amarumah saya dimajalengka (.....kan kalo pulang ikut kadipaten majalengka city...)
udah Senin pe Kamis kmaren, Pak.. kebetulan ada acara di sana :D
cirebon, is it hot? gue kayaknya pernah kepanggang deh disana
udah bukan hot lg deh, Ndroo.. tapi HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!
gw 4 hari di sana dehidrasi :( padahal waktu yg awal tahun ini ke sana, ga sgitu panasnya.. mgkn krn lg summer aj kali yah skarang..?? :D
del..kok.nggak bilang2 ke cirebon.....bunda khan bisa nitip delia ke makam papa-nya bunda deket grage mall ke selatan..tuch... bawa nasi jamblang nggak?
Huhuhu...mau nyobain empal gentong...
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