Even though I'm not celebrating Christmas, I always love the atmosphere. It's all because of my junior high school. I spent 3 years of my junior time in a Catholic school - SMP Strada Santa Maria I, Tangerang. So when Christmas came, I was the only girl who had two weeks holiday in my neighborhood (because all of my friends were school in public school).
And since then, I always love the atmosphere of Christmas. Until now.. I always dream that one day there will come "White Christmas" here in Jakarta. Yeah! Keep on dreaming, Delia.. hahahahaha..
And for this year, Christmas comes along with a long long weekend holiday! 5 days of holiday..
Christmas will come on Thursday, and on Friday we have our National Holiday (a.k.a Cuti Bersama). Saturday and Sunday is already weekend when I usually have my day-off at the office. And in Monday, we have another holiday called Tahun Baru 1430 Hijriyah or you can called it "Moslem New Year".
Even we will have another holiday on January 1, 2009 and another National Holiday on January 2, 2009 and another day-off on January 3 - 4, 2009, my manager didn't allow me and several of my friends to take the long long long long holiday.. He said we will have a lot of works to do by the end of this year.. Yeah! Gw akan kerja bakti (the real "kerja bakti"!) bersihin kantor dari dokumen-dokumen tidak penting yang berserakan..
So.. When every body plans his/her holiday, I prefer to buy some books so I can spend my bunch of spare time reading books. Especially that vampire books.
Hope Santa will come to my house and bring me the Edward Cullen. But sorry, Santa.. You must take the doorway if you come to my home..
Merry Christmas, Everyone..
Happy Holiday!
Happy Holiday!
Waahh enak ini libur panjang..!!
Hp Anda lemot, ini tipsnya http://fariz-next.blogspot.com/2008/12/9-cara-agar-hp-gak-lemot.htm
loooonggg wiken hooorayy!
have a wonderful x-mas!
Liburan gini enaknya kemana ya?
iyaaaaa.. tp sayang uang tabungan udh abis duluan di awal bulan jd ga bisa holiday jauh2 :P
@Milla Widia N..
you too, Mbak ;)
kJkt aj, Mas :D
asikkkkkkkkkkkkk libur panjanggggggggg
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