Well, actually the Google has been approved my AdSense since 2 days ago. But I just put it on my 'home' this morning because I was misread the instruction how to put the ad on my blog on the day the Google approved it. Maybe I was too excited and that excessive excitement made me became so stupid to understood the instruction.
FYI, I registered this 'home' with Indonesian as the primary language. And that made me cannot put the Content Ads on my site since AdSense is not yet support the Indonesian Language. Yeah.. Yeah.. Yeah..
Alhasil cuma bisa pasang yang Search Engine aja deh.. Mungkin si AdSense harus diajarin cinta bahasa Indonesia dulu kali yah biar menerapkan bahasa Indonesia. hehehehe..
After I ensure myself, finally the Google Search Engine is now at my 'home'. You can see it at the lowermost of my 'home'.
Oh ya.. I have a great lunch time today! I met some new friends. But I already familiar with them from plurk. Well, actually they are my buddy's buddies.

Since I had less job to do at the office lately, I brought some DVD from home. And I watch Open Season 2 for today.
It' funnier than the first one. You have to watch it! I love when all those animals sing "Close To You" at the closing of the film.
Hmmm.. What will I watch for tomorrow yaaaaaaah..??
A lot of fun and laugh today.. And that's make my day!
congrats mbak,adsense nya udah di approve.hehehe siap2 kebanjiran $$$ yap hehehe
dapet berapa bulan ini??? moga cepet cair..emang es.cair..kaburrrrrrrr
selamat ya del...
semangat uiii
wah.... selamat ya.
$$$ nih
amin :D
lha wong baru dpasang AdSense-nya qo :P huehehehehe.. skali-kali pake dunk Google Search aq.. itu AdSense lhooo..
makasih.. makasih..
@bunda 4zka..
makasih ^_^
good posting, i like it
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