Tapi ya namanya juga ga terbiasa bangun siang-siang, terpaksa bangun dari tempat tidur dan mulai untuk browsing sana, browsing sini, dan browsing situ. Mulai dari sapa-sapa di plurk, cek email, blogwalking, sampe main game!
Terus inget deh punya utang PR dari si Haviz. Mending dikerjain aja deh sebelum gw lupa.
Ada 2 PR siy sebenernya.. Tapi berhubung yang pertama udah pernah gw kerjain, jadi gw sekarang kerjain PR yang kedua ajah yah.
The rules are simple:
1. Use google image to search the answers to the questions below.
2. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.
3. After that tag 8 people.
1. The Age of Next Birthday

2. Place I'd Like to Travel
Madrid, Spain. The very first main reason that I want to go to that city is just because of this man

3. Favorite Place(s)
Park! Especially in the afternoon. When I can see a lot of little children play there.
But I always said, "It's not about the place, but someone whom you with is the most important thing"
4. Favorite Food(s)
Basically, I'm a food lover!
But my favorite foods are noodles (especially Kwetiau Seafood Siram of Solaria) and fried duck.
5. Favorite Thing(s)
Hmmm.. My favorite things are my yellow blanket, my monkey & bear, and my pillow. And I took the picture from my private collection. Because no one in this world has the same blanket as mine.
Oh ya.. I also love the sky, the moon, and the stars. Especially when I can see the moon on the night sky.

6. City I was Born
JAKARTA, Indonesia.
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. You can find a lot of things here. Shopping centers, entertainment centers, traffic jams, floods, pickpockets (the technical terms in Indonesia: copet, jambret, maling, kapak merah, etc.). Jakarta is a city that full of colors and I love this city much!
7. Nick Name I Had
8. Favorite Color

9. College Major

10. Name of My Love
11. Hobby(ies)

12. Bad Habit

13. Wish Lists
I want to be a better person for my family, my buddies, my friends, my neighborhood, and my country *amen!*
That's only one little wish I had among a lot of wishes. And I guess I'll keep the others as my another secret.
Well, I guess I'm the rules-breaker. So I'll break another rule again. I won't tag 8 people. If any of you want to do this homework, please do so.
Hemmm... award lg ya.
btw klo bebek goreng, bunda azka juga suka nih. Gak perlu ditanya, langsung habis...Nyam2
Apalagi klo belinya di surabaya, deket rumah tante. Mantap nih
emmmm..... nyami.. jadi laper bah .. :D
salam kenal juga ya.. :)
cyelamattttttttttttt hehehehe
pagi..pagi gini enaknya kemulan pake selimut dingiiin bgt disini
award award awardd....... selamaat..!!!
@bunda 4zka..
emg Bebek Goreng tu paling mantaaaaab.. td pagi liat Bebek Goreng Madu di Bandung.. jd pengen ksana :P
salam kenal jg, Bang :D
@ipanks & Brigadista..
makasih.. makasih.. makasih..
sama.. aq udh jaketan niy skrg d kantor :D
hehehehe keren bgt del...
klo delia suka raul, aku suka bgt ama van nistelrooy hehe, tp sayang lg cedera T-T
liat gambar bebek goreng jadi laper banget neeh, palagi belum makan siang lagi :(
gw jatuh cinta sm si Raul sjk SMP! dan sejak saat itu pula gw suka Real Madrid dan La Liga..
sayang sejak lulus kuliah gw jarang nonton bola karena udah ga kuat bgadang lagi :P huahahahaha
aq jg lg mau bebek goreng niy!
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